.. _repos: Repositories ------------ Source Code ^^^^^^^^^^^ Kompics uses Git and is hosted at `Github `_. Kompics The main Kompics repository can be found at ``_ Kompics Simulator The Kompics simulator repository can be found at ``_ Kompics Scala The Scala DSL repoistory is located at ``_ Kompics Testing The Testing DSL and framework is located at ``_ Release Repository ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Kompics released are hosted at ``_. Make sure that you add the repository to the maven repositories in :file:`pom.xml` or your global :file:`settings.xml`: .. code-block:: xml false bintray-kompics-Maven bintray https://dl.bintray.com/kompics/Maven Or in SBT in your build file with: .. code-block:: scala resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("kompics", "Maven") .. note:: Kompics snapshots are not published anymore, since moving to bintray.